CryoSkin, CryoSlimming, CryoToning,
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CryoTherapy treatments, also known as CryoSkin Therapy include CryoSlimming, CryoToning, and CryoFacials. CryoSkin works by triggering apoptosis, which causes the natural process of cell death. This process is accelerated by the cold temperature of the CryoSkin wand and decreases fat, reduces cellulite, and improves the quality of your skin.


CryoSlimming, also known as CryoTherapy or fat freezing, is a non-invasive weight reduction technique that harnesses the power of cold temperatures to target and eliminate unwanted fat cells.

During the treatment session, a specialized device is used to apply controlled cold temperatures to specific areas, including the abdomen, thighs, arms, and back. This precise cold exposure causes the fat cells in these areas to crystallize and break down.

As a result, the damaged fat cells begin to die off. Over the following few weeks, the body’s Lymphatic system works to eliminate these dead fat cells from the treated areas, gradually reducing the overall fat volume in the targeted regions.

CryoTherapy includes CryoToning
Permanently Beautiful A Holistic Beauty Clinic | CryoSkin, CryoSlimming, CryoToning, Permanent Makeup, Microchanneling, Permanent Jewelry & More!
CryoTherapy includes CryoToning which reduces fat in the abdomnen and thighs and tones these areas.


CryoToning, also known as Cryoskin cold toning or body sculpting toning, is a non-invasive, painless treatment that uses cold temperatures to tighten skin and reduce fat cells.

It can also improve skin tone, smoothness, collagen, and elasticity. CryoToning is best used to address cellulite, loose skin, and signs of aging.


A CryoFacial, called CryoTherapy Facial or “frotox,” is a non-surgical beauty treatment.

It involves applying pressurized, freezing air or liquid nitrogen to cool the skin’s surface temperature.

This cooling effect promotes collagen production, leading to skin tightening. It’s beneficial for reducing wrinkles, and fine lines, and minimizing pore size.

Additionally, CryoFacials can assist in managing skin conditions like Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis, and Rosacea.

CryoTherapy includes CryoFacials which reduce puffiness and tighten the pores, making skin appear younger